Information & Submission
Springer Book
A Book of Proceedings will be published by Springer.
The workshop participants will have free access to the electronic version of the book for a period of 4 weeks.
All contributing authors who provide their email addresses in their contributions will receive the electronic version of the book.
The contributing authors can purchase paper copies of the book and other Springer Nature books for personal use using the author discount of 40% off the list price when they purchase the book(s) directly from us.
Submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process. Accepted contributions will become part of the workshop program as "Oral communications" or "Posters". The scientific and organizing committees will determine the presentation format. Keep in mind that, although multiple contributions may be submitted, there is a maximum limit of one "Oral communication" per participant.
Each contribution in the volume must adhere to the following topics and guidelines.
The scientific policy of this workshop will privilegiate all the topics linked with "infinite-dimensional statistical problems or methods" with special emphases on:
Statistical Modelling for Functional Variables,
Functional Data Analysis,
Operator-based Statistics,
Background for Statistics for Infinite-dimensional Spaces,
High-dimensional Statistics.
For this sixth edition we wish to encourage also contributions in Machine Learning in order to foster relations between all these different fields of modern statistics and to contribute to their future developments.
Submission Guidelines
Contributions are expected to take the form of concise papers (from 6 to 8 pages), and should be prepared using the following LaTeX template:
Contributors are kindly requested to assemble a ZIP archive that includes:
the TEX-source file,
the corresponding PDF file,
any pertinent supporting files (e.g., figures).
Subsequently, contributors are requested to upload the ZIP archive through the below "SUBMIT" button.
🗓️ Submission deadline 31st December 2024 15th January 2025 🆕
Submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process: contributors will receive notification of the acceptance/rejection decision and details regarding the presentation format via email by the end of January.
Please, pay attention that:
for editorial reason, the final version of the contribution is expected around mid February: more information about the deadline for the final version will be provide in due course;
there is a maximum limit of one presentation per participant;
oral or poster contribution presenters must register (here) by February 25th, 2025.
Presentation Guidelines
Each invited talk is allocated a 40-minute time slot, including a discussion.
Each contributed talk is allocated around 20-minute time slot, including a discussion.
Posters information will be provided in due course.