
Deadlines and Fees

All presenters with an accepted (oral or poster) contribution to the Springer book, must register for the workshop by 25th February 2025 March 2, 2025  as outlined in the scheme below. Failure to register by this date will result in the exclusion of their contribution from the book. Please note that while multiple contributions may be submitted, each presenter is limited to one "Oral communication".

Other participants should refer to the following schedule:

Payment information

Please, use the service provided at the following link

in the left panel, select "IWFOS", then in the right panel choose your registration type and enter the corresponding fee as outlined in the above table. Follow the instructions to complete the payment and check out.

Please, email a copy of the receipt to (email subject: Surname Name receipt). If you haven't already, please complete your registration by using the "Registration Form" red button below.

BANK TRANSFER: The university's banking details, to be used exclusively for international transfers, are:
Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Agency: ABI 05696 - Vercelli CAB 10000
Address: Piazza Mazzucchelli, 12, 13100 Vercelli VC

recipient/beneficiary: Dipartimento Studi per l'Economia e l'Impresa
IBAN: IT16G0569610000000010003X02

payment clause: participation to IWFOS2025 {{!Surname Name of the participant!}}

CREDIT CARD: (could require more time) Register as an Italian participant using the "UPO's Easy Commerce" system (button and instructions above) to generate a "PagoPA bulletin" for the Italian public administration payment system. Once the bulletin is generated, complete the payment through the official PagoPA portal: The official portal offers various payment methods, including credit cards.

Please, email a copy of the receipt to (email subject: Surname Name receipt). If you haven't already, please complete your registration by using the "Registration Form" red button below.

Registration is complete once the above Form is filled and the due fee is payed.